学术活动Academic activities 题目:机器学习方法及应用 2021-06-22 题目:Machine Learning for Disease Risk Stratification, Online Adverse Events Extraction... 2021-06-08 题目:灾害救援小型机场应急调度研究 2021-06-08 题目:面向数据驱动的多准则分类的偏好学习方法及应用研究 2021-06-08 题目:Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish: Does Striving to Meet Earnings Expectations by Mani... 2021-06-03 题目:数字化转型:创新与实践 2021-05-24 题目:Does Mandatory Innovation Disclosure Matter for Stock Price Crash Risk 2021-05-17 题目:Women on bank boards 2021-05-14 西交财会前沿论坛2021年第9期:数字化转型背景下的企业风险管理 2021-05-11 题目:发表过程中的挑战难题和应对策略 2021-05-06 题目:数字化转型中的精益之路——一汽红旗工厂数字化实践案例 2021-05-06 西交财会前沿论坛2021年第6期:去杠杆与杠杆操纵 2021-04-12 题目:Role Conflict, Coping Strategies, and Self-Disclosure: A Mixed-Method Approach 2021-03-24 西交财会前沿论坛2021年第3期:The (In)Visibility of Political Connections 2021-03-24 题目:The Secrets to Having It All: How We Develop Psychological Ownership Towards Enti... 2021-03-24 题目:Is investment in data analytics always profitable? The case of third-party-online... 2021-03-22 贝斯特bst3344游戏教师晋升副教授、副研究员学术讲座通知 2021-03-04 题目: CEO-CFO Language Style Matching and Earnings Management 2021-03-02 题目:My Research Program & The Reflection of the IS Field: Past, Now, and Looking Forw... 2021-01-15 题目:The information role of critical audit matters in expanded audit report: Evidence... 2021-01-12 首页< <1...34567...34>>尾页